Airway Clearance / Mobilization

Child wearing an AffloVest to help clear his airway

Airway Clearance Therapy (ACT) is a cornerstone therapy for respiratory diseases

Non-invasive Respiratory Therapy

At Owens, we’re innovating to help patients breathe easier with the latest airway clearance therapy techniques.

Certain lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can increase mucus production and interfere with the ability to cough and can benefit from airway clearance therapy. Mucus that accumulates and obstructs airways can become a conduit for bacterial colonization, evoking an inflammatory response and contributing to airway damage. ACT is a non-invasive approach that uses physical or mechanical means of percussion to mobilize mucus and phlegm, and to facilitate airway clearing by coughing. With reduced airway obstruction, patients are less likely to suffer from mucus build up, infection, or inflammation.

Doctor checking young childs breathing.

Airway Clearance Provided by Owens

  • High-Frequency Chest Wall Compression (HFCW)

Specialty Training, Caring Support

Airway Clearance Therapy is used to minimize the devastating effects of airway obstruction

Learn how our ACT techniques will work best for you

Respiratory therapists have specialized training in lung and breathing conditions. At Owens, our therapists will teach you how to do the techniques recommended by your doctor and provide you any special equipment. ACT is often used alongside other treatments, such as inhaled medicines (bronchodilators). Ask your healthcare provider which techniques or exercises will work best for you, and whether certain medications could help.

Woman breathing fresh air outside

Schedule an appointment with a Respiratory Therapist?

Book an appointment today by contacting your local Owens location.

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Non-invasive mask for airway clearance